WSVN 7 News ran a story this evening about a real-estate associate named Mohamed Donald who was arrested 2/22/2017 in Hollywood and again 4/18/2017 in Miami Springs and charged with Grand Theft for taking deposits for home rentals and not following through for his clients.
One of his victims, Stacie Roy was ripped off of nearly $7000 and she states, “He keeps beating the system and he needs to be stopped.” Detective Brian Mullin of Coconut Creek Police is confident that he will have his day in court with Mohamed Donald but he also admits “It is upsetting to know that he is able to bond out because at any time he can take off.”

Let this serve as a reminder to run background checks on everyone you do business with before signing on the dotted line and certainly before handing over your hard-earned money. Sometimes it is as simple as a Google search as it was for one of Mohamed Donald’s victims, Allison Powell who confronted him with his mugshot she found online. Of course, he denied everything but by then it was too late. He had already taken their money.
Do not rely solely on just a Google search because not all criminal and civil information can be found with a Google search. Hire a professional to verify the background of the person who is about to take your hard-earned money for a service.
Please call us today and hire us to check on that person you are going to engage in business. We cannot give you legal advice because we are not lawyers but Miami PSPI, LLC is a private investigation agency and we can let you know who you are dealing with so you can make a more informed decision.
As of this day there is one active civil case and two criminal cases against Mohamed Donald and police believe there will be more. Don't be a victim. Information is power. Let us empower you. Call Miami PSPI, LLC today, 305-285-4321.